
How the Remote Hiring Process Works

When hiring remote, you can expect to see a minimum of 100+ applications, so creating a candidate pipeline early on will help set you up for success in the future. Basically this group consists of the people you’ve rejected but may consider at a later time or for a future position. JustRemote is a simple yet powerful remote hiring platform that helps you fill the remote positions you need to fill. It’s a website hyper-focused on the user experience to keep users (your potential future team members) browsing. The longer they browse, the more likely they are to find and engage with your business’s remote job post. Working remotely comes with its own set of challenges, and you’re going to get both experienced remote workers and people new to this way of working reading your job description.

  • Our recruiters are responsible for checking the applicant queues regularly and making sure a human reviews every single application.
  • We make it easy to source, evaluate and hire best-fit candidates – and quickly, too.
  • We know that remote work relies heavily on effective communication and collaboration.
  • No need to download any software or apps, or guide candidates through using a new tool.
  • Hiring managers and external recruiters need to use their resources correctly, as opposed to focusing their efforts on lesser value tasks.
  • A company must also hire skilled team members to oversee compliance with local taxes, laws, benefits, etc. in each country where there is an entity.
  • Our Sourcers regularly network with recruiters and business verticals so they can quickly tap into real-time knowledge of specific markets when a niche position comes available.

We’ve created a guide on How to Conduct a Remote Interview, and included some highlights below. There are nuances to loving remote work and being a great remote worker. If your strategy is really important, make sure people buy in before they join. In this GitLab Unfiltered video, GitLab co-founder / CEO Sid Sijbrandij discusses hiring (amongst other topics) with researchers from INSEAD.

No relocation required: how Lessmore attracted the world’s best talent with Remote

Taking a long time to hire may increase your budget and cause you to lose top candidates. “One of the challenges we’ve faced since forever and it’s unfortunately not something we have figured out yet is we hire very slowly. From the time we decide that we need someone doing a certain job to the time we onboard someone new, many months usually go by.

The big piece of advice here is speak to references on the phone or over Zoom! There’s so much important context you miss if you only ask references to answer your questions via email. This is also a great opportunity to see how the candidate responds to feedback and gives us some insight into how it might be to work with that person. Additionally, we use this chat as an opportunity to go a little deeper on values alignment and to see if they’re excited about contributing to our culture. Buy-in, lack of diverse talent pool, and know-how are major hurdles in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives.

Struggling with Your Remote Interview Process?

There’s a lot of debate these days about whether references matter, since they’re often people who are picked by the candidate to say nice things about them. We approach the reference call more as a way to get coaching on how to help the new hire be successful at Help Scout. This is the right moment to have this conversation because the next step involves more energy from our candidates, and we want to be on the same page before asking for more of their time. This is your chance to really sell the opportunity and get someone excited about your role and your company. Keep your pipeline moving with Video Interviews, a premium one-way screening tool from Workable.

If we’re asking a candidate for references, that means they’ve done really well in our process and the hiring team is excited about the chance to work with them. Once the final interview happens and references check out, the hiring manager gets the OK to make the verbal offer to the candidate. It’s good to be aligned on salary early so that if we get to the final stage with someone, we can make an offer they’ll be excited about and more likely to accept. We’ve also started sharing the salary range for our roles on the job description so candidates know what to expect before they even interview.

What is remote hiring?

This will help you establish the exact position and role the new person will have, and it will be easier to look for skills when making the hiring decision. Sometimes people forget that remote employees require a different set of skills and even personality traits. In addition to your standard screening and culture fit questions, there are a few additional questions you may want to add for remote candidates. Think about your ideal candidate and how they manage to work remotely. There are a couple of core competencies you’ll want to look for, including time management, discipline, communication, consistency, proactivity, among others. Whether you’re hiring for remote roles or are a remote recruiter yourself, connecting candidates will remain a priority- no matter the distance!

At DistantJob, we care about the details of the CVs we share with our clients, so we will analyze each profile and double-check key information with candidates. This way, we ensure that the people we send to our clients meet the position’s requirements and would enjoy the job. You’ve come to your senses, and you’ve realized that remote hiring is the answer. Plus, it can’t be that difficult to hire remotely because everyone wants to work from home.

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